The Red ligth landscape project came about through an interest in capturing the nocturnal landscape of the northern roads in the province of Gerona, Catalonia, as they lead toward France and, in particular, to La Jonquera (the border between Catalonia and France). It is an area rife with night clubs and brothels, wherein a setting is created with its own uses and its own iconography.
The work was conceived as an exploration of these night-time constructions, observed from the road, located in spots with high or low profiles in terms of discretion, either on the periphery or in no-man’s-land between road juntions inserted within a landscape that has certain bucolic touches.
Shuttered places that by day go completely unnoticed, at night they standout as landmarks, lures that are visible from afar. Decorated with their neon paraphernalia, signs that shine out their euphemisms announcing a coctail bar, privat club, dreams, madams, from an imaginary whose connotations lead to paradise.

The project, then, is an exploration of the aestheticization of desire as merchandise. In a play of cross references where the dazzle and glamour of the mise-en-scène tangle with dark stories of film noir or road movies in night settings. Images that assemble a representation of sublime pleasures as a marketing cover. A device for theming the erotic that resembles the relation between a theme park and tourism.

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